Medford Chamber of Commerce
Business Directory
To create and distribute a business directory listing every member of the Medford Chamber of Commerce along with their addresses, phone numbers and web addresses.
We designed the directory from front to back, including the cover design with photography of the major business districts in Medford. We listed every member of the Chamber of Commerce alphabetically, categorized by business type.
We also created profiles for businesses to showcase themselves. Each profile included a clean, structured format with space for two images (e.g. - company logo and store photo), contact information, and a few paragraphs about the business. We also made advertising space available throughout the directory.
As added incentive for residents to keep and use the directory, we included a comprehensive listing of important phone numbers, social scene listings and a map of Medford.
To market the directory we created a short web video, social media announcements, web banner ads, a press release, an information sheet and an ad price list. We then managed the print production and mailing of the directory to 15,000 households across Medford.